Sunday, October 24, 2010

Filling the Time in Filiasi

There was something off about my time in Romania.  First of all, no one seemed interested in me and my shenanigans.  There was also a considerably deserted quality to Drobeta, and most definitely to Filiasi. In fact, we throw the term "post-apocalytpic" around so carelessly these days that it's hard to really drill down on what we're talking about.   But if I ever use it in conversation in the future, I am purely benching it on Filiaisi and the feeling of pure terror/hopelessness I got from Filiasi.  I just felt unsafe.  I've never felt unsafe*.

While waiting for the train at the DTS station I noticed that there was an old homeless man rooting around for scraps to eat.  He pulled up a huge plant growing between the railway ties, and sniffed the lengthy root.  I believe he discarded it after.  I would have never thought something growing between railway ties could possibly be edible.  But this is the sort of thing that happens when you're homeless.  You think of doing things to survive that others with security wouldn't.  I couldn't wait to find out what I would be reduced to when my work permit was rejected and I was reduced to scavenging around Europe and writing home and on my blog about how cool and awesome living in Europe is (because obviously I would choose to spend my money on postage an internet cafes than on food or a place to sleep).

Anyway, I did get a pizza in Filiasi because it's well-known that one of my favourite ways to maximize "me" is to race across Romania by train and by night with a whole pizza.  It's my dream job to be an important businessman who needs to be in several Romanian cities throughout the week, so that I have the excuse of needing to take the train nightly, every night, and have to grab a pizza on the way.  And then I would start a blog about pizzerias near train stations in Romania.  I already have the basics for all this laid out.  

Oh, by the way, I got a new passport!  What a relief that was.  My passport was set to expire on October 25 but I preempted that by applying for a new one (a business one).  It's about time I did too.  Did you know that a lot of countries won't let you in if your passport expires within less than 6 months?  Yeah, because I'm going to just stay in ____ country once my passport expires.  I don't think most border guards and consulares really get what I'm trying to do here.  But it's hard to articular myself on a rigid visa application form because there is no box asking for a contingency plan if my passport expires.  Please, if my passport expires I'm not going to stay in your country and leach off your social services.  I'm going to call my parents and fly home and leach off their social services.  

*this statement excludes unrecognized, lawless states

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